Monday 16 February 2009

That's better...

Ah, listening to the 3rd Test in Antigua on the radio yesterday at my parents-in-law, as England, led from the front by captain Strauss made amends for the collapse in Kingston last week. The sun must have been shining down on the Antigua Recreation Ground and you could have been forgiven for thinking I was in the Caribbean. The heating was on and there must have been some serious lagging in the loft because I was sweltering! I half expected to see palm trees, a beach and the blue of the Caribbean sea out of the French windows...

I listened, ball by ball as first of all England beat the dreaded 51 runs, then Strauss got his half century, England made a hundred and Strauss made his century and beyond. By the time we left, England were 168-1 and I needed IV fluids to restore my fluid balance in the balmy heat of Wiltshire in winter! England's reign continued whilst in the car home and then on the laptop into the evening. England finished on 301-3 and I re-hydrated myself back at the 'clubhouse' known as home.

A great day's listening but I must remember to take water rations next time...


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