Monday 9 February 2009


As the snow and ice melt away (although if you are unlucky enough to live in the South West, another deluge is forecast for this evening) tracks are left in the mud of the landscape from the games people played in the snow, sitting like scars and it calls to mind what must be left on the pitch at Sabina Park in Kingston. So as the critics both inside the team and out start to dissect the result and discussions have inevitably turned to the money, showered upon individual players by the IPL like flower petals on some new-found deity, we have to ask; does money lead to distractions?

Well, I know if I was just signed up to £170K a week I'd be putting maybe a little thought into replacing my 2" of bare forearm, just above the wrist for a Rolex Submariner Date and maybe I'd spend just a couple of seconds about replacing the clapped out French saloon I drive for something with a sweet-sounding exhaust and a picture of a bull on the bonnet and just maybe I'd looking to take my old jumper down to Oxfam and trade up to an Italian-sounding suit. I wouldn't be distracted though.




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